期間 |
內容 |
2020-11 |
洪雅慧,張恩光,'政黨認同與社會距離如何影響第三人效果與第一人效果:以大數據與網路調查來檢視85度C事件',中華傳播學刊,2020-11 |
2019-08 |
洪雅慧,Roland, Chang,'The use motivation of political satire show and the impacts of viewing frequency on voters' political efficacy and political cynicism —take Mr. Brown Show as an example',Advances in Journalism and Communication,vol7.74-93,2019-08 |
2017-03 |
洪雅慧,Trisha Lin,'The impacts of political socialization on people’s online and offline political participation-taking the youth of Singapore as an example.',Advances in Journalism and Communication.,vol5.50-70,2017-03 |
2016-01 |
洪雅慧,'The role of Facebook, Plurk, and YouTube in the two-step and N-step flows of communication and the effect on political efficacy',The Journal of International Communication,vol22.1-22,2016-01 |
2015-08 |
洪雅慧,'The impact of political satire show on people's political knowledge, political efficacy, and political cynicism—Viewers vs. non-viewers in the 2014 Taipei Mayor Election.',International Journal of Management and Applied Science,vol1.90-99,2015-08 |
2015-06 |
洪雅慧,'The effects of political socialization in event marketing on the youth--A research of Three Little Pigs and Good Luck Charms campaigns in Taiwan’s 2012 Presidential Election.',Asian Journal of Political Science,vol23.23-43,2015-06 |
2015-01 |
洪雅慧,'Innovation resistance of political websites and blogs among Internet users in Singapore',Journal of Comparative Asian Development,vol14.110-136,2015-01 |
2014-11 |
洪雅慧,'Which one is more annoying? - Comparing the cognitive, affective and conative effects of button ads and pop-up ads',Journal of Business and Economics,vol1.25-35,2014-11 |
2013-08 |
,'To click? Or not to click?--A Study of the Innovation Resistance of Political Emails',Chinese Journal of Communication(SSCI),vol6.305-324,2013-08 |
2012.03 |
黃盟祺,洪雅慧,周巧絃,'關鍵字廣告效果之研究─搜尋產品類型、 認知需求與知覺風險之影響',傳播與管理研究,vol11.39-80,2012.03 |
2009.06 |
洪雅慧,'北、高網路選民大不同?-媒介使用、媒介重要性評估與政治犬儒主義、投票行為之關連性研究',東吳政治學報,vol27.1-45,2009.06 |
2008-01 |
洪雅慧,'整合行銷傳播」策略在網路選戰中之應用—以2006年台北市長選舉郝龍斌與謝長廷之對決為例',傳播與管理研究,vol七.3-42,2008-01 |
2007-01 |
洪雅慧,'網路電子郵件之「第三人效果」與「第一人效果」研究─ 以台灣「319槍擊疑雲」電子郵件散播為例',新聞學研究.1-42,2007-01 |
2006.12 |
洪雅慧,'網路政治宣導在台灣',中華民國廣告年鑑2005~2006.83-88,2006.12 |
2006.03 |
洪雅慧,'網務謠言之可信度以及行為研究--以[319槍擊疑雲]電子郵件散播為例',傳播管理學刊,vol7,2006.03 |
2003.01 |
洪雅慧,'點選政治網站,觀看政治廣告',廣告學研究,2003.01 |
2002.05 |
,'Who're on and why they're there:A study of candidates' web users in Taiwan',Asian Journal of Communication,2002.05 |
2002.01 |
洪雅慧,'候選人網站[資訊提供]與[使用可親近性]之滿意度比較--以公元2002年總統大選為例'.83-104,2002.01 |
1997.10 |
,vol45.461-481,1997.10 |
1997.04 |
,vol24.187-215,1997.04 |
1994.07 |
,vol 71. 628-636,1994.07 |
期間 |
內容 |
2020-11-09 |
王珍妮,廖家儀,'〈社群媒體聲量可以真實反映選民對於候選人的形象認知?以大數據分析與問卷調查來檢核2018年高雄市市長選舉候選人韓國瑜形象〉',台灣資訊社會研究學會年會暨論文研討會,中華民國,台北,2020-11-09 |
2020-10-24 |
陳瑾玟,洪偉峻,'按了讚就代表真的喜歡他? 大數據分析 vs. 問卷調查—以2018年高雄市市長選舉候選人韓國瑜喜好度為例',新媒體產業與創新學術研討會,中華民國,台中,2020-10-24 |
2020-02-05 |
洪雅慧,'A study of the impacts of Facebook fan page use about Beipiao incident on candidate’s preference in 2018 Kaohsiung Mayoral election',221st International Conference on Education, Business, Humanities and Social Sciences (ICEBHS),日本,TOKYO,2020-02-05 |
2019-07-07 |
洪雅慧,'Party Identification and social distance on the third-person and first-person perceptions-- take an example of the 85°C Bakery Café incident',2019 International Association for Media and Communication (IAMCR),西班牙,Madrid,2019-07-07 |
2019-04-10 |
洪雅慧,'-- The impacts of media use on people’s attitude toward President Tsai Ing-wen and their voting decision of the 2018 local elections after the 85°C Bakery Café incident',8th International Conference on Social Science and Humanity (ICSSH 2019).,日本,Osaka,2019-04-10 |
2018-03-27 |
洪雅慧,'Third-person effect vs. First-person effect --A Research of the news effect of 33 Physicians poached by Fu Jen Catholic University Hospital from Taiwan University Hospital',2018 international Conference on Business and Social Science,日本,Kyoto,2018-03-27 |
2016-07-25 |
洪雅慧,'The use motivation of political satire shows and the effects of viewing frequency on people's political efficacy and political cynicism —take Mr. Brown Show as an example. Paper presented at the 2016',International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) Annual Conference.,英國,Leicester,2016-07-25 |
2016-07-25 |
王萱,洪雅慧,'A study of the third-person effect versus the first-person effect in environmental issues—A case of the Chinese smog problem documentary “Under the Dome.”',2016 International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR),英國,Leicester,2016-07-25 |
2015-07-20 |
洪雅慧,李柏勁,蔡旻其,'Political satire show: its use motivation and the correlations between its viewing frequency and people's political efficacy and political cynicism.',The 4th International Symposium on Business and Social Science,日本,Sapporo Renaissance,Hokkaido,2015-07-20 |
2015-06-21 |
洪雅慧,'The influence of political satire show on people's political knowledge, political efficacy, and political cynicism—Viewers vs. non-viewers in the 2014 Taipei Mayor Election.',First International Conference on Social Science, Economics and Humanities (ICSSEH),法國,Paris,2015-06-21 |
2014-03-28 |
洪雅慧,'The cognitive, affective and conative effects of Internet advertisements– Button ads vs. pop-up ads.',2014 International Conference on Business and Social Sciences (ICBASS),Japan,Tokyo,2014-03-28 |
2013.06.26 |
,2013.06.26 |
2012.10.13 |
洪雅慧,周巧弦,'政治興趣、政治討論與政治犬儒主義─新加坡 vs. 台灣',新媒體時代的國際傳播:觀念與規則兩岸四地學術研討會,中國,西安,2012.10.13 |
2011.07.13 |
,2011.07.13 |
2011.07.13 |
,2011.07.13 |
2010.07.18 |
,2010.07.18 |
2010.07.18 |
,2010.07.18 |
2010.06.23 |
,2010.06.23 |
2009.03.26 |
,中國,香港,2009.03.26 |
2008.07.20 |
,2008.07.20 |
2006.12.30 |
洪雅慧,'整合行銷傳播」在網路選戰中之應用—以2006年台北市長選舉為例',數碼傳播與社會轉型:中華社會及其他地區之經驗國際研討會,香港,香港,2006.12.30 |
2006.03.18 |
洪雅慧,'網路謠言之可信度以及轉寄行為研究-以[319槍擊疑雲]電子郵件散播為例',銘傳大學2006國際學術研討會-2006傳播管理研討會數位內容產業發展論壇,中華民國,台北,2006.03.18 |
2003.09 |
洪雅慧,'台北市長候選人,你知道誰在看你的網站嗎?--以2002年馬英九與李應元之對決為例',張思恆文教基金會2002學術研究獎論文發表會,台北,2003.09 |
2003.01.01 |
洪雅慧,張恩光,'網路使用、網路依賴、政治參與對候選人網站可信度之影響─以2002年台北市長選舉為例',中華傳播學會2003年年會,臺灣,新竹,2003.01.01 |
2003.01.01 |
,2003.01.01 |
2002 |
洪雅慧,'[蓋台廣告]收視反應之研究--以台北縣有線電視訂戶為例',第十屆中華民國廣告暨公共關係學術與實務研討會,台北,2002 |
2001.01.01 |
洪雅慧,'誰是2000年總統選舉網路大戰之最大贏家?—候選人網站「資訊提供」與「使用可親近性」之滿意度比較',第九屆中華民國廣告暨公共關係學術與實務研討會,臺灣,政治大學,台北木柵,2001.01.01 |
2001.01.01 |
洪雅慧,張恩光,'新科技、新應用─候選人網站使用與滿足研究',中華傳播學會2001年國際學術研討會,香港,2001.01.01 |
2000.01.01 |
洪雅慧,張恩光,'候選人網站之使用人口結構與其使用動機研究─以公元2000年總統大選為例',媒介與環境研討會,臺灣,輔仁大學,新莊,2000.01.01 |